Proleek dolmen
The Proleek dolmen (portal tomb) dates to the Neolithic (Stone Age), around 3,000 BC.
The dolmen is composed of two portal stones, a lower backstone and a massive capstone, which weighs about 40 tonnes.
It was used for interments in which the cremated remains were placed in the tomb, often accompanied by grave goods,
including tools, beads and pottery.
Stone age monumnets often have a solar alignment or an alighment to a landscape feature, the Proleek dolmen has
two possible alignments, its portal points toward Slieve Gullion and the setting sun at the summer solstice.
Local legend claims that the dolmen dates back to a battle between a Scottish giant Para Buidhe Mor Mhac Seoidin
and the Irish mythical hero
Fionn Mac Cumhaill.
Para challenged Fionn mac Cumhaill to combat,
but Fionn poisoned the nearby river and Para drank from it. The Scottish giant was buried at the wedge tomb nearby.
Another local tradition claims that if a visitor lands three stones atop the dolmen,
they will be granted a wish, or will be married within the year.

The Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over the Proleek Dolmen.
Trip Advisor Review: Incredible Personalized Tour through the Boyne Valley.
Michael is an incredible guide. My brother and father had taken a tour with him before
my arrival in Ireland so we arranged for a tour for my other brother and myself a
few days later. It was, hands down, the best day I had in Ireland. We started out
the day with Newgrange and then traveled all over the Boyne Valley learning about
the history of the area (which is a bit mindblowing!) He took us for lunch at Slane Castle,
which was delicious, and got to try Slane Whiskey which is a real treat. I wanted to see
Irish coastline so Michael took us to the beach where he went as a child. He was friendly,
knowledgeable and tailored the entire trip to our requests. I cannot recommend Michael highly enough!
Original Trip Advisor Review.